Prepare for Your Welding Assessment
at Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 400
About the Evaluation

Candidates will receive one-on-one attention from our UA & AWS certified welding instructors.
If you're a fabricator/pipe welder, steamfitter, pipefitter, rig welder, pipeline welder/helper or other career pipe or vessel welder looking to propel your career, you'll be invited for a welding assessment at Plumbers & Steamfitters UA Local 400 training center to meet with our certified welding instructors.
During the evaluation, you'll be given the opportunity to do as much pipe welding as you can in order to demonstrate the depth of your skills and abilities.

Our state-of-the-art training facility includes three dozen welding booths members use for training, practice, and assessments.
Your evaluation will be all in 6G position, open root, on carbon steel pipe and include:
- 1 – 2” SCD 80, GTAW out, all uphill
- 1 – 2” SCD 160, GMAW root downhill, FCAW out uphill
- 1 – 2” SCD 160, SMAW 6010 root uphill, 7018 out uphill
In addition to completing all or some of the above welds to the best of your ability, you'll be expected to set up the Miller weld machine, fit and tack the coupon and perform appropriate filing, brushing, and grinding.
Details of the Day
Where: All assessments occur at the Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 400 training center in Kaukauna, WI. Upon arrival, enter the building via the single glass door, just east of the Wisconsin State Flag pole. Once inside the building, Jeremy’s office will be straight ahead of you.
When: Our instructors have reserved their day to administer this assessment, which on average, lasts between four and seven hours, beginning promptly at 7:45 AM. Top candidates will plan to be early, especially in inclement weather.
What: Please bring with you the following items:
- Weld Hood
- Weld Safety Glasses
- Weld Gloves
- Weld Jacket and/or Weld Sleeves
Optionally, you may bring a small bag of personal tools like your preferred cutters or brushes. You will be provided any remaining items you need by Local 400.
Who: You'll work directly with Matt Stoop, Welding Coordinator, and Jeremy Meyers, Welding Instructor. Questions regarding the evaluation should be directed to Jeremy.

The Next Steps
After your assessment day, your instructors will prepare a comprehensive evaluation, complete with photos and descriptions.
They'll provide a copy to you as well as your career advisor at UA Local 400. Using this skills assessment, your career advisor will guide you to next steps to be placed with a contractor. Post-assessment paths include apprenticeship, training contracts (compressed apprenticeship) or exploring available positions with a UA Local 400 signatory contractor.