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Veterans In Piping

Career Skills Training Program

Sponsored by Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association


How To Apply For
Wisconsin's Veterans in Piping Program

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Sponsored by the Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association, the unique Wisconsin Veterans in Piping (WI-VIP) Career Skills Training Program helps veterans, returning veterans, reservists, and National Guard members obtain the basic skills needed for a rewarding career within the pipe trades.

Instructions on applying to the program are below. For more in-depth information on WI-VIP, visit our explore page.


If you have questions or run into any problems with the application instructions below, please contact Corey Gall at

Steps to Join the WI VIP Program

1. Review Program Information 

2. Register in the Career Portal

3. Earn your L.O.I.

4. Complete the Application

5. Collect Additional Documents

6. Finalize Official Submission

STEP 1: Review Program Information

Download and review the information packet on the Wisconsin Veterans In Piping Career Skills Training Progam. Inside you'll find in-depth curriculum description, program requirements, and the program application which you'll complete in Step 4.

STEP 2: Register in the Career Portal

Most candidates have already registered in the career portal. If you haven't completed the quick questionnaire, please do so now.

Regsiter in the Pipetrades Career Portal

Registering allows you to connect with your preferred jursidiction and trade. Additionally, you'll receive instructions on how to obtain your Letter of Introduction in Step 3.


STEP 3: Earn Your Letter of Introduction

After registering in the Career Portal, you'll receive instructions on how to obtain a Letter of Introduction. The L.O.I. document certifies to contractors that you have met qualifications to be considered for a future apprenticeship.

VIP Women in Pipe Trades 2

If you've registered in the career portal and have yet to receive your Letter of Introduction, follow the directions in the Welcome email sent after you registered.

VIP Program in the field

A separate application from your Letter of Introduction is required to be considered for Wisconsin's Veterans in Piping program.

The application is contained within the program packet you downloaded in Step 1. Complete this application and continue obtaining additional required elements outlined in Step 5. When you have everything together, print your materials and mail your packet to the address in Step 6.

Qualification Records

  • A completed WI-VIP program application (from Step 4)
  • Military transfer or discharge form, DD-214 or DD-2384
  • A copy of your Letter of Introduction (from Step 3)
  •  An updated resume (See below)

Transportation Records

  • A photocopy of the front of your driver's license
  • A copy of your car insurance card
  • A printout of your 5-year driver's abstract, found here.

Resume Templates  

A resume is required to apply to Wisconsin's Veterans in Piping Career Skills Training program.

Additionally, when you apply directly to signatory contractors, providing a resume is a great way to expedite the application process and demonstrate your professionalism.

Following the provided templates is not required. They are provided for your convenience.

Google Docs Pipe Trades Resume Template

Google Docs Resume

If you use G Drive or Google Docs, copy our pipe trades resume template and use it as a sample to personalize your own.

Microsoft Word Pipe Trades Resume Template

Microsoft Word Resume

If you use Microsoft Word, download our pipe trades resume template and use it as a sample to personalize your own.

STEP 6: Finalize Official Submission

Submit Your Application Packet

After you earn your Letter of Introduction (Step 3), complete your application (Step 4) and collect the remaining required documents (Step 5), package everything together and mail your packet to the Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association Office.

WI Pipe Trades Association
ATTN: VIP Program
11175 W Parkland Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53224

When you submit your application packet during the annual recruitment window of January 1-January 31, your application, resume, and other items in your packet will be reviewed by the committee upon submission. In the month following the submission deadline the top candidates will be invited to interview to reserve their placement in the program. 

Each year, there are limited opportunities available in Wisconsin's Veterans in Piping Career Skills Training Program. Meeting individually with candidates is the best way for the admissions committee to determine who will be a good fit. 

Prior to meeting with the committee, consider how you can differentiate yourself from other qualified veterans. Some ideas include:

1) Prepare answers to common interview questions (right)
2) Familiarize yourself with the care and keeping of tools
3) Tour your local training center
4) Practice calculating math you'll need on the job
5) Learn about the history of The United Association on YouTube


If you have questions or run into any problems with the application instructions above, please contact Corey Gall at

Next Steps: Classroom Instruction


Being rewarded with an opportunity to join Wisconsin's VIP program makes you part of a fortunate group.

Grab your steel-toed boots and be ready to hit the road for an in-depth learning experience!

The first six weeks of the 18-week job skills training program are dedicated to instruction.

You Will Receive:

  • 240 Hours of Instruction - at No Charge
  • Hotel Stays Monday-Wednesday Weekly
  • Continental Breakfast & Lunch Each Class Day
  • Necessary PPE and Tools for Workshop Use
  • Gift Card Weekly for Dinner & Other Expenses

You Will Be Required To:

  • Secure Insurable Transportation
  • Sustain a 90%+ Attendance Record
  • Wear PPE Clothing & Steel-Toed Boots
  • Maintain a 75% Minimum on Tests and Work
  • Pass a Drug Test Prior to Moving On to OJT

Remember: Funding for the VIP Program is provided by the UA’s International Training Fund and The Wisconsin Pipe Trades. No costs are passed to the participants. However, unlike the second 12 weeks of the program, the first six weeks of classroom training is not paid time. Candidates will not receive a paycheck during this time and must be prepared for this in advance.

NEXT STEPS: On-The-Job Training

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Employment at a sponsoring signatory contractor is integral to success in the Wisconsin VIP program as there's no on-the-job training without a job!

The Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association does not hire VIP program participants directly. Instead, they work closely with you and assist you in securing employment with one of the state's signatory contractors. You will work for this contractor during the final 12 weeks of the program and be trained alongside 4th & 5th year apprentices as well as journeymen and foremen.

Participants are paid for hours worked during the on-the-job training portion of this program.

Don't Wait! Apply Today!

The 18-week Wisconsin Veterans in Piping Career Skills Training Program is only offered once in 2022, so apply today!

If you have questions or run into any problems with the application instructions above, please contact Corey Gall at